Fairfield Primary School

Fairfield Primary School

(07) 855 6284 ffield@fairfieldprimary.school.nz 260 Clarkin Road, Fairfield, Hamilton 3214
Dare to be True | Tautapatia te pono

 Welcome to Fairfield Primary School

Fairfield Primary School was opened in 1919 with 106 pupils.  We still have the original school block which has been remodelled into our library, resource rooms and classrooms.  Fairfield Primary is located in the north east suburbs of Hamilton. The school is set amongst mature trees bounded on two sides by Fairfield Park.

Fairfield Primary School is a U5 contributing primary school, catering for Year 0 to Year 6.  Our roll is currently around 310 students.

The school comprises of 14 classrooms, school hall/multipurpose space, library, swimming pool, administration block, adventure playgrounds, netball/basketball courts and large playing fields.



(07) 855 6284 ffield@fairfieldprimary.school.nz 260 Clarkin Road, Fairfield, Hamilton 3214